
Fernandes De Oliveira v Portugal ECtHR Grand Chamber, Appn 78103/14

Fernandes De Oliveira v Portugal ECtHR Grand Chamber, Appn 78103/14
Issue: Whether the suicide of a patient in a psychiatric hospital revealed a breach of the substantive aspect of Art 2 ECHR; whether the length of domestic proceedings relating to the death revealed a breach of the procedural aspect of Art 2.
Court: ECtHR Grand Chamber
Reference:   Appn 78103/14
Neutral Citation:  
Judge(s): G Raimondi (President), A Nußberger, LA Sicilianos, R Spano, L López Guerra, I Karakas, P Pinto de Albuquerque, B Lubarda, Y Grozev, S O’Leary, C Ranzoni, M Mits, A Harutyunyan, A Polácková, P Koskelo, J Schukking, P Paczolay
Date: 31 January 2019